7 Surprising Benefits Of Gaming
1. Makes You Smarter
Study shows that people playing video games learn better than people who don't, "individuals trained to play action games demonstrate perceptual templates better tuned to the task and stimulus at hand than the control groups, a difference shown to emerge as learning proceeds". Pull out your AK-47s' and aim for the heads, who knows, shooting up some zombies may be the secret to acing that next exam.
2. Boosts Hand-Eye Coordination
Maybe you won't be able to juggle flaming chainsaws after an hour of space invaders, but you'll definitely be good at avoiding alien entities on your way to work.
3. Reduces Stress
Lets face it, life is stressful. So what better than to have a little getaway from life all the whilst in the comfort of your own lounge? Definitely cheaper than that trip to Japan you've been eyeing over.
4. Improves Memory
3D spatial games with large open worlds like minecraft and super mario galaxy actually help with spatial awareness and improves memory. Get cracking anatomy students, pick up a pickaxe and go diamond hunting!
5. Encourages Teamwork
Seems like a large proportion of people hate.. well, people. But things like video games and sports usually encourage teamwork. Nobody wants to run laps around the oval though, so we make do with what is available.
6. Improves your eyesight
Yes yes, we've all heard about how bad fast flashy lights are for your eyes, but that's not to say it's all bad. Video games can actually improve your eyesight and attention to detail which not only helps out if you're say.. a food inspector, but to everyone when they're driving for example.
7. Teaches Real World Skills
Speaking of driving, there are multiple games based off of real world skills such as driving. With the introduction of new technology and VR headsets, the simulation-like games become ever so immersive. It's almost scary to think that kids could be learning how to operate aeroplanes from a game.
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