10 Ways to Save The Planet

1. Go Green or Go Home 
Using recycled paper, clothes, materials and so on has a great impact on the       environment. Changing your mindset about reusing items in your daily life saves you       money and helps the environment. Purchasing a cheap coffee mug can save tonnes        of cardboard being produced each year. As well as that, purchasing organic cotton      tees will save the planet as cotton is the second most chemically sprayed crop.

2. Go Vegetarian At Least Once a Week 

The production of red meat uses heaps of resources. Giving up red meat once every seven days saves the world 3000 litres of water, used to produce a single serving of meat.

3. Go For a Walk 
Leave your car at home – walking reduces greenhouse gases PLUS you’ll be able to burn off extra calories from last night’s feast.

4. Go Energy Efficient 
By making your home energy efficient, you’ll save money as well as the planet! You can install a programmable thermostat to avoid using excessive energy when you aren’t home.

5. Go Slow 
Driving fast, accelerating and slamming on your breaks uses excessive fuel. Fuel contributes to the pollution, which isn’t a good thing for our planet.

6. Go Chemical-less 
When cleaning your house, opt to chemical-free cleaners such as vinegar and baking soda. These can be easily found in your kitchen, how convenient!

7. Go Paperless 
Subscribe to email and online bills and magazines to avoid the use of excess paper. As well as that, unsubscribing from junk mail can reduce the millions of trees being chopped down.

8. Go Incandescent 
By switching to incandescent light bulbs, you save four times more energy than using compact fluorescent bulbs. They may cost a bit more, but, they last 15 times longer.

9. Go Lint-free 
De-linting your dryer enhances the performance of your dryer, using less energy.

10. Go Safe 
Architectural coatings such as paint and varnishes are the world’s second largest source of fume as they react to sunlight and heat. When purchasing paint, look for the “No VOC” print so you can breathe easier.


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