5 Social Traits To Make You Magnetic
1. Humanization
By far one of the most important aspects to any social relationship, humanising what you say and do especially with first impressions breaks down walls and everyone closer together. It's like we're all suited up with unfamiliarity and one of us steps down and says "hey look at me! I'm human just like everyone else here".
2. Integrity
Every word has an intrinsic value attached to their meaning, it is the very first basis of how we can even understand and rely on each other. If what you say and what you do don't match up, you'll find people packing up to leave soon enough. Have impeccable integrity and your words will carry real weight.
3. Respect
Yes, humanising your actions is important, but lets not forget about respecting everyone. General rule of thumb - if your jokes with the intention to build rapport is at the cost of someone else, don't tell it. Everybody loves a respectful friend.
4. Social Energy
Now that you know at the very least how to not break friendships before they even blossom, it's time to step it up. Put your A game on, show us some teeth, get in the zone. Yes, everyone has days when they get up out of bed and zombie through their day, but the more you draw from that social energy, the easier it becomes to get pumped. And of course, people will naturally gravitate towards you like planets gravitate towards the sun.
5. Positivity
You have everyone's attention, great! Now lets make sure its not for the wrong reasons. It's very important to be firm on qualities like respect and integrity, but to make friends and really be someone everybody loves, you need to radiate positivity. Having the special knack for turning frowns upside down and melting even the coldest strangers will be the final nail in the coffin for the past closed off, self conscious, shy person you once were.
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